Monday Motivation - Audio & video version!

Hello Reader,

Our affirmation stays the same this week:

Today I bid farewell to old habits and welcome positive change to my life.

But today you can listen to and/or watch me say our affirmation 21 times!

While I am not a huge video or podcast fan--I find it hard to focus on audio only, and I'm a super fast reader so I always prefer text--there are a lot of others out there who are. And since my goal this year is to experiment with different ways to practice our affirmation, an audio version was top priority!

So here are your options this week to listen to or watch our affirmations:

Watch the video embedded in this email (if your provider allows it):

Check out the new private YouTube playlist:

Download an audio-only version to your preferred listening device:

I hope having more options helps you create time every day to repeat our affirmations. The more often you say them, the faster they will impact you.

We continue to remind ourselves 21x each day:

Today I bid farewell to old habits and welcome positive change to my life.

P.S. We'll be spending another week or two with this affirmation to make sure we give ourselves enough time to let it do its magic. Want to take a guess about what format I'll send next week?? I'd love to hear from you!

Time Honored Coach

Time is the single most valuable thing we have. I help busy business owners get out of overwhelm to work fewer hours in their business (without sacrificing income!) so they can get back to enjoying their business and their life again.

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