Monday Motivation - Growing my business at my own pace creates long-term, sustainable success.

Happy Monday Reader!

When I was a kid, we only listened to country music on the radio. I have extensive knowledge of 90s country--Garth Brooks, Shania Twain, Reba McEntire, you name it!

There are so many songs I don't even remember I know all the words to...until they're coming out of my mouth as I sing along!

But there's one song that is practically an anthem for my life.

And not necessarily in a good way! 😅

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Alabama's song "I'm in a Hurry" is referenced weekly in my house!

Because I "rush & rush until life's no fun"...even though I know better.

So I created today's affirmation to remind us to slow down this week:

"Growing my business at my own pace creates long-term, sustainable success."

When I spend too much time on social media, I start to feel extremely behind. All the other coaches seem to have so many more clients. Or they share pics from fancy, exotic locales they can afford with their huge stacks of coaching money.

And I start to wonder what's wrong in my business since it doesn't look like that.

And then I start to rush. To hustle & prioritize being busy.

Which inevitably leads to exhaustion, continued frustration, and sometimes even the temptation to give up on my business dreams.

So when I get to that point, I take a break & a deep breath. I recenter my actual priorities (not those other coaches') and remind myself that going at my pace is always the smarter move by repeating 21x every day:

"Growing my business at my own pace creates long-term, sustainable success."


P.S. Want help determining what pace is sustainable for you? Schedule a free 30 min virtual coffee to chat about it!

Upcoming Networking Alert!

This week is our monthly Awkward Speed Networking event!

This is a perfect event for you if networking is scary or intimidating.

If approaching a group of people already talking makes you break out in a cold sweat.

If you get mad at yourself for getting stuck in long, pointless conversations instead of meeting other people in the room.

We take care of all of that for you!

More details on the Facebook event page here.

As always, affirmations work best when you truly believe them. They need to resonate with you and feel achievable. So feel free to modify any I suggest, or develop entirely new ones!

Say them as long as you want. I'm sharing a new affirmation each week, but that doesn't mean you have to switch it up each week unless it feels right. You can add new ones as often as you want and have as many as you want. You can say a different affirmation every day, or at different times of the day. You choose!

I'd love to hear the impact it has! (But if you decide affirmations are not for you, click here to be removed from this weekly email.)

I hope this affirmation sets you up for a kick ass week and I'll see you next Monday for a new one to try!

Ready to make time for great things in 2024? I have 1-1 coaching spots available to teach you how to put your limited time, energy, & attention to the work that moves the needle in just 1 hour a week. Hit reply or pick a time on my calendar here to learn more.

I always have time for you. ❤️

-- Jen

Time Honored Coach

Time is the single most valuable thing we have. I help busy business owners get out of overwhelm to work fewer hours in their business (without sacrificing income!) so they can get back to enjoying their business and their life again.

Read more from Time Honored Coach

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