Monday Motivation - I am eager. I am energized. I am open. I am ready.

Hello Reader,

OMG I hope we are finally done with winter weather apocalypses here in North America. I am SO over it! I was excited to start my garden on time this year, even though it felt super early, but Mother Nature had different plans.

But the forecast looks promising this week and I'm letting myself dream of spring.

New buds & green leaves on the trees.

The first flowers of the year--daffodils and tulips and crocus.

Opening my windows to let fresh air into my home.

Spring is an obvious time of renewal and change.

I am eager. I am energized. I am open. I am ready.

While the natural world around us is reawakening and getting ready for warmer weather, we might also be waking up to new desires and changes.

I've been hanging out at a crossroads for the past few months. My business naturally wound down at the end of the year, and I wasn't sure if I was going to keep going. Honestly, so far it's been a long, hard, unprofitable road, and I was not just burned out--I was blackened & crispy (and sometimes bitter).

So I decided to wait and see.

With my part time job I was staying busy, seeing people, and making enough money to stress a bit less. I didn't need to make any big changes or sweeping decisions.

I joked that I was waiting for the universe to give me a super obvious sign, or for a huge opportunity to fall in my lap.

And--surprise, surprise--it hasn't. But I think I'm ready to pay attention to the signs now. To pick a path and finally move forward. But I'm really, really good at ignoring my gut instincts and muscling through work I'm "supposed to do," so I want to be intentional & honest about it too.

I picked today's affirmation for this purpose, but I also enjoy the rhythm of this one. It's a little different than most we've used in the past: short, punchy sentences, and many of them. This one in particular could be a mantra or a chant. I could repeat it in my head while pushing through the last third of a workout, for example.

For the next few weeks, we will lose ourselves in the moment to allow our true desires to reveal themselves. We will do this by using the quiet & calm of reminding ourselves 21x each day:

I am eager. I am energized. I am open. I am ready.


P.S. To be totally clear: I am still interested in coaching, speaking, and training about time management, productivity, capitalism, etc! I just haven't been actively pursuing or marketing it. My instinct tells me I need to pivot--either in my offerings, the format, or something--and I haven't made any decisions on how that will look.

Time Honored Coach

Time is the single most valuable thing we have. I help busy business owners get out of overwhelm to work fewer hours in their business (without sacrificing income!) so they can get back to enjoying their business and their life again.

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