
Time Honored Coach

Monday Motivation - I attract endless opportunities for growth and achievement in my business and my life.

Published 17 days ago • 2 min read

Happy Monday Reader!

Do you have a scarcity or an abundance mindset?

If you're like me, the answer may change depending on the week! (Or even the hour some days.)

When we have a scarcity mindset we operate our business from fear. We worry new clients or opportunities won't show up. That our past or current success was a fluke. That it can all disappear without notice.

TBH, being in scarcity mindset sucks.

And we might not feel like we can change it. We might believe living with scarcity is natural or normal.

But the good news is: we weren't born believing success and income is scarce. We learned it.

And that means we can unlearn it.

So we're starting (or continuing) that unlearning process with today's affirmation!

"I attract endless opportunities for growth and achievement in my business and my life."

I'll be totally honest: I often operate my business and life from a scarcity mindset. But doing so limits my ability to take risks, grow, and feel hopeful.

I want to have an abundance mindset.

I want to truly believe in my business, myself, my potential for incredible income & impact.

It takes constant effort to cultivate that mindset shift. It doesn't seem to come naturally to me. And it's been helpful to hear successful business owners I envy mention that the doubt & fear doesn't go away. It's helpful to know I'm not alone...and I'm not some pessimistic freak.

It's natural to have some doubt and worry, because the future is unknown, and the unknown is scary.

But we aren't going to let that stop us, so join me in reassuring our nervous systems that our past and present successes aren't flukes by repeating 21x every day:

"I attract endless opportunities for growth and achievement in my business and my life."


P.S. Want help discovering what activities would make growth fun and sustainable for you? Schedule a free 30 min virtual coffee to chat about it!

As always, affirmations work best when you truly believe them. They need to resonate with you and feel achievable. So feel free to modify any I suggest, or develop entirely new ones!

Say them as long as you want. I'm sharing a new affirmation each week, but that doesn't mean you have to switch it up each week unless it feels right. You can add new ones as often as you want and have as many as you want. You can say a different affirmation every day, or at different times of the day. You choose!

I'd love to hear the impact it has! (But if you decide affirmations are not for you, click here to be removed from this weekly email.)

I hope this affirmation sets you up for a kick ass week and I'll see you next Monday for a new one to try!

Ready to make time for great things in 2024? I have 1-1 coaching spots available to teach you how to put your limited time, energy, & attention to the work that moves the needle in just 1 hour a week. Hit reply or pick a time on my calendar here to learn more.

I always have time for you. ❤️

-- Jen

Time Honored Coach

Jen Roberts - Time Creation Coach

Time is the single most valuable thing we have. I help busy business owners get out of overwhelm to work fewer hours in their business (without sacrificing income!) so they can get back to enjoying their business and their life again.

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