Hello Reader, February is the season of love with Valentine’s Day halfway through the month. So what better time to practice a self love affirmation?? 😉 I love the person I am and the person I am becoming. One of the things I think about a lot is how many of my beliefs about myself—about my limitations in particular—were learned. I wasn’t born hating specific things about my body or my appearance. I wasn’t born thinking I needed to change certain aspects of my personality in order to be loved or accepted. I wasn’t born with perfectionism and a fear of failure. I was taught those things, both explicitly and not. By my parents. By the school system. By media and advertisements. And it was incredibly freeing to realize that if I wasn’t born with all these negative beliefs. If I learned them—I could UNlearn them! This was finally the key for me. Before this realization, it felt impossible to change. It’s a lifelong practice, this unlearning of hating myself. The world we live in has a lot of very entrenched systems in place to keep me on that hamster wheel. Because if I’m unhappy, maybe I’ll spend money to fix it or feel better. But I’ve been actively working on it for literal years now. Since 2021, in fact. Learning to love myself, or at least accept myself, has freed up space in my brain for fun things. I worry much less about what people think about me. I am more willing to take a risk, or fail at something. I’m willing to experiment. I’m willing to admit I’m wrong, and to apologize. When I love who I am, I accommodate my needs instead of pretending they don’t exist. That’s why I have purse snacks on me at all times! Literally everyone has a better time if I don’t get hangry. I've also accepted that I need way more sleep than my husband, instead of being pointlessly jealous of his extra time. I’ve seen the benefits spill over into all areas of my life, so I hope this affirmation can help you start or continue a self love journey too. We remind ourselves 21x each day: I love the person I am and the person I am becoming. ❤️ |
Time is the single most valuable thing we have. I help busy business owners get out of overwhelm to work fewer hours in their business (without sacrificing income!) so they can get back to enjoying their business and their life again.
Hello Reader, Our affirmation stays the same again this week: I am eager. I am energized. I am open. I am ready. Today you can download digital backgrounds with our affirmation on them for your phone and/or desktop computer! Download the backgrounds We're on our phones and computers a lot these days, so one way to keep our affirmation top off mind is to make it the background so you see it every time you're on your device. Set it once, and reap the benefits for weeks! Don't you just love...
Hello Reader, Our affirmation stays the same this week: I am eager. I am energized. I am open. I am ready. Do you believe in manifesting? That you can think or will something into being? It sounds like total woo-woo BS, right?! I was a complete skeptic until my coach had me try it years ago. It worked in a few unexpected ways then, and now it's happened again! After I wrote last week's email, I received an email asking about my coaching services for a business team. This is not an opportunity...
Hello Reader, OMG I hope we are finally done with winter weather apocalypses here in North America. I am SO over it! I was excited to start my garden on time this year, even though it felt super early, but Mother Nature had different plans. But the forecast looks promising this week and I'm letting myself dream of spring. New buds & green leaves on the trees. The first flowers of the year--daffodils and tulips and crocus. Opening my windows to let fresh air into my home. Spring is an obvious...