Monday Motivation - I trust the process and believe everything is working out in my favor.

Happy Monday Reader!

Last week I realized something that I'd rather hide from you. It's one of my biggest fears, and I can barely believe I am going to write it out in an email, sent via the internet, which has the potential to be around forever.

But here goes.

I realized I'm a hypocrite.

Ugh, I hate typing that out! I try my hardest to stay vigilant against this tendency, because it's one of the things I judge the most in others.

But suddenly I realized that in all the times I internally sneered at my mom for her FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)...I was being hypocritical because I do the same thing!

It just shows up around different activities for me than it does for her.

I don't care about missing live music or a one weekend festival...but I do agonize about not attending networking events or leaving them on time (I'm almost always one of the last to leave) because I'm worried I'll miss the perfect connection.

How much will I set my business back if my next big client is at an event that I opt to skip??

This thought makes me overextend myself and feel guilty for saying no to events. Even if I'm exhaus

If you identify with this struggle, this week's affirmation will help!

"I trust the process and believe everything is working out in my favor."

I have to believe the perfect client wasn't at that networking event I skipped because otherwise I'll be paralyzed by regret or doubt.

(My favorite negative thought about myself is "I should have known better.")

I have to believe I'll meet the perfect client at another event if it's meant to be.

I have to trust that my past decisions were the right ones, because I can't go back and change them now.

And I don't want to spend tons of mental energy wondering "what if...?" or "If only I had...."

Some days (and some hours) it's easier to set those worries aside, but I knew this week I needed to focus on this reminder. Because I'm still struggling with scarcity and FOMO.

I want to replace those self recriminating thoughts and doubts, and if you do too, join me in repeating 21x every day this week:

"I trust the process and believe everything is working out in my favor."


P.S. Struggling with scarcity mindset too, especially around time or money? Schedule a call to learn how 1 hour a week is enough to completely overhaul your outlook.

Join me on June 12 at the Freelance Exchange Bootcamp!

I'm presenting in the morning with a session on time management techniques to help you take back control of your time in your service-based business.

Join us for a day full of inspiration, knowledge, and networking with the Freelance Exchange community. Members and nonmembers are welcome.

Full-day and half-day attendance options are available. Full ticket prices include coffee and a light breakfast, plus lunch and beverages.

As always, affirmations work best when you truly believe them. They need to resonate with you and feel achievable. So feel free to modify any I suggest, or develop entirely new ones!

Say them as long as you want. I'm sharing a new affirmation each week, but that doesn't mean you have to switch it up each week unless it feels right. You can add new ones as often as you want and have as many as you want. You can say a different affirmation every day, or at different times of the day. You choose!

I'd love to hear the impact it has! (But if you decide affirmations are not for you, click here to be removed from this weekly email.)

I hope this affirmation sets you up for a kick ass week and I'll see you next Monday for a new one to try!

Ready to make time for great things in 2024? I have 1-1 coaching spots available to teach you how to put your limited time, energy, & attention to the work that moves the needle in just 1 hour a week. Hit reply or pick a time on my calendar here to learn more.

I always have time for you. ❤️

-- Jen

Time Honored Coach

Time is the single most valuable thing we have. I help busy business owners get out of overwhelm to work fewer hours in their business (without sacrificing income!) so they can get back to enjoying their business and their life again.

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