Monday Motivation - It is safe to listen to my body.

Happy Monday Reader!

What does your body need right now?

We're officially in the fall season in the northern hemisphere. The days are getting shorter. The temps are cooling down. (In the mornings, at least! It still hit high 80s over the weekend here in KC.)

With all these changes, do you need to pay a bit more attention to what your body or mind is craving right now?

"It is safe to listen to my body."

When I get busy, it's easy to stop listening. The things that recharge me best--art, exercise, home cooked food--are the first things I drop.

And right now I have the additional change of my new job! Last week was my first full week...and it wore me out! But I trust that it will get easier as I get more familiar with the new work, new people, and new schedule.

But right now, this week? The best thing I can do is listen to my body.

I know from years (decades!) of experience that the shorter days do a number on me. If we get long days of clouds and rain, that also affects my mood quite a bit.

I also know that I tend to live in my head a lot, and prioritize "reasonable" decisions over "gut" or "emotional" ones.

So I want it to feel safe to take care of myself during this season. To be proactive about getting enough rest & recharge time, instead of realizing I'm ready to drop right before Thanksgiving.

I encourage you to do the same this week. The Earth is changing--it's slowing down for a period of rest. If your body needs something different during this season too, repeat 21x/day:

"It is safe to listen to my body."

P.S. Struggle to listen to or trust your body? I've been there! Let's chat for 30 min to work on it together!

LAST CALL: Virtual Workshop - 60 Second Self-Care at Work

Join me and NonProfit Connect for a personal & professional development webinar!

The holiday season is a time for joy, connection, and celebration – but it can also be incredibly stressful. Self-care often takes a backseat during this busy time, but it’s more important than ever to prioritize your well-being. Self-care often gets a bad rap for being expensive or time-consuming. But what if we told you it doesn't have to be?

Join us for a session packed with practical tips and easy-to-implement strategies for incorporating self-care into your busy life without breaking the bank.

  • When: Oct. 16, 2024 • 9:30-10:30am
  • Cost: $25 - Members / $45 - Nonmembers
  • Where: Your desk! Webinar access instructions provided after registration.
  • How: Register via NonProfit Connect

As always, affirmations work best when you truly believe them. They need to resonate with you and feel achievable. So feel free to modify any I suggest, or develop entirely new ones!

Say them as long as you want. I'm sharing a new affirmation each week, but that doesn't mean you have to switch it up each week unless it feels right. You can add new ones as often as you want and have as many as you want. You can say a different affirmation every day, or at different times of the day. You choose!

I'd love to hear the impact it has! (But if you decide affirmations are not for you, click here to be removed from this weekly email.)

I hope this affirmation sets you up for a kick ass week and I'll see you next Monday for a new one to try!

I always have time for you. ❤️

-- Jen

Time Honored Coach

Time is the single most valuable thing we have. I help busy business owners get out of overwhelm to work fewer hours in their business (without sacrificing income!) so they can get back to enjoying their business and their life again.

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