Hello Reader, Ahhhhhh, there's nothing like the new year for...procrastination?? Procrastination is totally normal and human, and it happens to all of us. I just happen to have a lot more of it lately than I'm used to. I'm currently writing this at the last minute, on Sunday afternoon while in the midwest we are in the middle of Snow-Pocalypse 2024! We got a lovely layer of ice yesterday, and we're expected to get almost a foot of snow on top of that. Hooray. My husband's in-service day has already been canceled, and who knows when they might actually return to school from the break. So I could use this chaos as an excuse for dragging my feet on this email, but it's not actually the reason. The reason is that my therapist was right--going into hibernation or a complete stop on any activity makes is super hard to start back up. Today I bid farewell to old habits and welcome positive change to my life. While I'd like to tell you I'm bidding farewell to procrastination, I know that's not very realistic. I'm human, fallible, and old enough to know not to make goals or promises I won't be able to keep. And that's part of why I believe New Year's Resolutions suck and they don't work. I can barely stick with a goal for 30 or 90 days, so how in the hell would I expect one to stick for 12 months?? Instead I gravitate towards gentler New Year processes. Ones that don't have me trying to reinvent myself because a number changed (which is highly artificial, BTW. Time is relative and the universe doesn't respect or recognize our labels.) People are like water--we prefer to take the path of least resistance. Sure, we can muscle our way up a hill for a while, but eventually we get tired, and we slip, or even fall, backwards. Perhaps even to the bottom. So the easier a change is, the more it takes into account your existing or natural proclivities, the more likely we are to stick with it. So this year, welcome small, positive changes. Or let go of old habits, thoughts, people, or routines that no longer serve you. And of course, for a step by step guide for getting rid of the old to make space for the new, join me in Thursday's Mini Masterclass! 😉 We remind ourselves 21x each day: Today I bid farewell to old habits and welcome positive change to my life. P.S. I always write these emails ahead of time, because if you ever thought I was up before 5am to send this out...you've never heard my rant "The words 'good' and 'morning ' don't go together"! 🤣 Last Call: Mini Masterclass - To Don't ListTired of adding more obligations to your life just because the number on the calendar changed? Instead, make more time & space by dropping commitments that don’t serve you! Join me on January 9, 2025 at 10am Central for a virtual 20 minute mini masterclass to make your personalized to-don’t list + step by step action plan!
Time is the single most valuable thing we have. I help busy business owners get out of overwhelm to work fewer hours in their business (without sacrificing income!) so they can get back to enjoying their business and their life again.
Hello Reader, Our affirmation stays the same this week: I am eager. I am energized. I am open. I am ready. Do you believe in manifesting? That you can think or will something into being? It sounds like total woo-woo BS, right?! I was a complete skeptic until my coach had me try it years ago. It worked in a few unexpected ways then, and now it's happened again! After I wrote last week's email, I received an email asking about my coaching services for a business team. This is not an opportunity...
Hello Reader, OMG I hope we are finally done with winter weather apocalypses here in North America. I am SO over it! I was excited to start my garden on time this year, even though it felt super early, but Mother Nature had different plans. But the forecast looks promising this week and I'm letting myself dream of spring. New buds & green leaves on the trees. The first flowers of the year--daffodils and tulips and crocus. Opening my windows to let fresh air into my home. Spring is an obvious...
Hello Reader, Our affirmation stays the same again this week: I love the person I am and the person I am becoming. You're not the same person today that you were a year ago. Are you paying attention to how you are changing? You've got to in order to ensure you really love the person you are becoming! We become different people in big and small ways every day. But it's hard to see the changes until you've been doing it for a while--at least a few months in my experience. One of the ways I'm...