Re: Monday Motivation (& a new way to work together)

Happy Monday (for real this time) Reader!

Thanks for your understanding when I jumped the gun and sent our Monday email out on Friday. 🤦‍♀️

Here's our affirmation again in case the last email already got lost in the shuffle. We repeat to ourselves 21x every day this week:

"I recognize every moment as a chance to be intentional with my time, energy, and attention."

New Way to Work Together!

I combined forces with certified financial planner Sarah Nicole Nadler to bring you an affordable, on demand course on how to make more money in your business while also working less!

Sound too good to be true? Don't just take my word for it! Give us a try with a no risk, free 14 day trial and see for yourself.

In the Plan HER Profits course Sarah teaches you how to earn more and how to build healthy spending habits (both at home and in your biz). You also get step by step planning checklists for the year, quarter, month, week...and every day. (Seriously, I use these in my business too and they've made a difference already!)

You'll love my courses on time management mindset & practical strategies to tackle common time challenges.

Check out Plan HER Profits if you want to:

  • Gain confidence that you’re putting your precious (and limited) time, energy & attention where it really matters in your business.
  • Ensure you’re getting the work that needs to be done…done.
  • Never take another vacation or holiday that’s interrupted by a business “emergency”.
  • Be on call only to your family…not to your business.

You'll definitely want to grab that free trial today or tomorrow so you can take advantage of this week's Wednesday coaching call with me! Bring your burning productivity issues for on the spot help, followed by a practical time management training.

I know you already know what you need to do. The hard part isn't figuring it out--there's tons of info on the internet on productivity and time management--the hard part is actually doing it.

Join Plan HER Profits to get accountability, support, & help to implement all those techniques you know you "should" be doing but aren't. And do it at a cost that won't break your budget.

Ready to make time for great things in 2024? I have 1-1 coaching spots available to teach you how to put your limited time, energy, & attention to the work that moves the needle in just 1 hour a week. Hit reply or pick a time on my calendar here to learn more.

I always have time for you. ❤️

-- Jen

Time Honored Coach

Time is the single most valuable thing we have. I help busy business owners get out of overwhelm to work fewer hours in their business (without sacrificing income!) so they can get back to enjoying their business and their life again.

Read more from Time Honored Coach

Happy Monday Reader! I believe in giving everyone and every experience the benefit of the doubt. I'm willing to try pretty much any food or activity once to see how it goes, so why wouldn't I do the same for people? And like my favorite rule of thumb about when something's a problem ("Once is an accident, twice is a trend, and 3 times is a pattern.") I will always, always, give something a second chance. But once a pattern starts to show up, or once someone has treated me or my loved ones...

Happy Monday Reader! I'm proud to share that I followed through on last week's plan to show my face more in my marketing content! Batching content is a great way to be more efficient as a business owner, so I used that strategy to record & create a half dozen videos last week, which I can now use for a wide range of content! I set aside a chunk of time to record videos, made notes on topics and key points I wanted to mention, and even planned costume changes. I fixed my hair and put on some...

Happy Monday Reader! We interrupt this regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you an important request. I could really use your help to grow my business! You've been here a while, so you know I'm passionate about helping people understand themselves, value themselves & their time, and protect their time. I'm happy to talk about this stuff all the time, for free. But unfortunately, we live under capitalism and I have to keep my freeloader cat in treats and kibbles. And that's NOT free! Said...