What would the perfect version of your holidays look like?

Hey Reader,

If money were no object, nor time, nor obligations or other schedule constraints, what would you do to make this the best holiday season ever?

Take a minute, right now, to really see, feel, hear, and smell what you want to experience. You need to know what your version of success looks like.

Do you want to read a different Christmas story every night with your kids?

Would you have an entire day dedicated to making traditional family recipes?

Can you sit alone in front of a fire with a hot beverage and read your favorite book for the umpteenth time?

Once you have a clear idea of *what* you want, you can plan the *how*. How can you make some (or all) of your ideal holiday come true within the actual constraints you have?

If you only have 8 holiday books, you need to get more to read a new one every night, for example. If you don't have an entire day free to dedicate to kitchen shenanigans, can you pick a single recipe to start with one evening?

If you find yourself overwhelmed and disappointed by the end of December every year, set yourself up for success this time by discovering what you really want from the holidays. Be honest with yourself. Be selfish, and petty, and childish in your imaginings. No one has to know.

Then get creative, make a plan, get anyone else involved onboard, and bring intentional peace and joy to your holiday.

Breathe deep. Drink plenty of water. You got this!

Jen Roberts

Time Creation Coach

Feel like life is passing you by? Interested in creating more time for your priorities in 2023? I have 4 spots open for one-on-one coaching! Hit reply and let me know or Schedule a free 60 min time assessment here

Time Honored Coach

Time is the single most valuable thing we have. I help busy business owners get out of overwhelm to work fewer hours in their business (without sacrificing income!) so they can get back to enjoying their business and their life again.

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