
Time Honored Coach

Time is the single most valuable thing we have. I help busy business owners get out of overwhelm to work fewer hours in their business (without sacrificing income!) so they can get back to enjoying their business and their life again.

A pile of colored pencils on top of a table
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Monday Motivation - I am exactly where I need to be.

Happy Monday Reader! Well, last week kicked my butt! I'm still adjusting to my new schedule, and it's been more of a struggle than I expected! I didn't write out my week in my planner like I usually do, and that came back to bite me in the ass. I managed my time pretty poorly...which feels like a shameful thing to admit as your time creation coach! But as I encourage my clients to give themselves grace when they mess up, and to look at it as information, I can do the same for myself. "I am...

A forest filled with lots of trees under a cloudy sky

Happy Monday Reader! What does your body need right now? We're officially in the fall season in the northern hemisphere. The days are getting shorter. The temps are cooling down. (In the mornings, at least! It still hit high 80s over the weekend here in KC.) With all these changes, do you need to pay a bit more attention to what your body or mind is craving right now? "It is safe to listen to my body." When I get busy, it's easy to stop listening. The things that recharge me best--art,...

A blurry photo of a forest in the fog

Happy Monday Reader! We're revisiting an oldie but a goodie this week, because I have some big news: last week I started a new part time job! Rest assured, I am not closing my coaching business. I have existing contracts I am committed to and I really enjoy the work. It's all the other stuff that started to wear me down. I woke up one morning at the end of the summer and wondered when I would look forward to starting my day & working in my business. And then I realized with a bit of shock...

A lone tree in the middle of a lake at sunset

Happy Monday Reader! Ever heard of the poem "Desiderata"? That's actually where our affirmation this week comes from! The full line I'm stealing from is: And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should But that felt like a bit too much of a mouthful to say 21 times daily, so I shortened it to the most important bit. "The universe is unfolding as it should." "Desiderata" became an important part of my life when I was in high school. You may have heard me...

A close up of a cat peeking out from under a blanket

Happy Monday Reader! Ever have those days that manage to be the worst day of your month yet also amazing at the same time? Honestly, I'm not sure I've ever experienced emotional whiplash as much as I did last week on Thursday, when I attended the Mid-Continent Public Library's Self-Care Summit. The first emotional extreme came as I was leaving my neighborhood & I sideswiped a neighbor's parked car. Being the cause of an easily preventable accident is not a positive way to start a day! It...

garden gnome in meditation pose surrounded by green  & purple flowers

Ready to make time for great things in 2024? I have 1-1 coaching spots available to teach you how to put your limited time, energy, & attention to the work that moves the needle in just 1 hour a week. Hit reply or pick a time on my calendar here to learn more. Happy Monday Reader! So...I have a confession to make. You remember a while back when I told you about the 100 Day Goal Journal? And I was all coy, not telling you my goal because I thought it might make it easier to not complete it?...

The sun is setting over the water in the distance

Happy Monday Reader! Last week's affirmation about rest ended up being more applicable than I expected when I developed a sinus infection! There's nothing like illness or an emergency to force us to slow down and prioritize rest. Have you ever noticed that being sick is a socially acceptable reason to cancel plans? That it's a "legitimate" reason? When I have to tell someone no or cancel a plan, I usually feel the need to give a reason. It's something I've been working on as a "recovering...

A cat laying on the ground next to another cat

Happy Labor Day Reader! Last week we looked at the water we're swimming in here in the U.S.--the water that makes constant productivity feel normal or even virtuous. Although I've been aware of this cultural pressure for many years, I still succumb to it regularly! As a business owner it's easy to put pressure on myself to work more, work harder, work longer to get my business to succeed. It's hard for me to slow down and rest when there is still so much to do! A webinar I could be watching....

Comic: big fish asks "how's the water" and little fish asks "What is water?"

Happy Monday Reader! How familiar are you with the "Protestant work ethic"? Here's a refresher that AI provided during my Google search: The Protestant work ethic is a sociological, economic, and historical concept that emphasizes the importance of hard work, frugality, and productivity in one's job. It's also known as the Calvinist or Puritan work ethic. The term refers to the religious significance that some Protestant groups believe is attached to working hard and trying to succeed. I...

person holding light bulb

Happy Monday Reader! How are things going for you? For me? I was on the struggle bus last week! Most of my client contracts are ending this month, and my pipeline for possible new clients is pretty empty. That's a terrifying place for a business owner to be! This really got into my head, and kicked up a lot of doubt and limiting beliefs. Ah, those old familiar frenemies! Due to my empty pipeline, I felt like no one was interested in my business or my coaching services. Which made it seem like...