
Time Honored Coach

Time is the single most valuable thing we have. I help busy business owners get out of overwhelm to work fewer hours in their business (without sacrificing income!) so they can get back to enjoying their business and their life again.

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Monday Motivation - I trust my instincts and honor my intuition.

Happy Monday Reader! I believe in giving everyone and every experience the benefit of the doubt. I'm willing to try pretty much any food or activity once to see how it goes, so why wouldn't I do the same for people? And like my favorite rule of thumb about when something's a problem ("Once is an accident, twice is a trend, and 3 times is a pattern.") I will always, always, give something a second chance. But once a pattern starts to show up, or once someone has treated me or my loved ones...

Happy Monday Reader! I'm proud to share that I followed through on last week's plan to show my face more in my marketing content! Batching content is a great way to be more efficient as a business owner, so I used that strategy to record & create a half dozen videos last week, which I can now use for a wide range of content! I set aside a chunk of time to record videos, made notes on topics and key points I wanted to mention, and even planned costume changes. I fixed my hair and put on some...

Happy Monday Reader! We interrupt this regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you an important request. I could really use your help to grow my business! You've been here a while, so you know I'm passionate about helping people understand themselves, value themselves & their time, and protect their time. I'm happy to talk about this stuff all the time, for free. But unfortunately, we live under capitalism and I have to keep my freeloader cat in treats and kibbles. And that's NOT free! Said...

Happy Monday Reader! Last week I told you about starting the 100 Day Goal Journal, and I'm happy to report I haven't given up yet! I know, that might not seem like much of a win, but as your coach I know it's important to celebrate every success, no matter how small. I've completed a full 10 day cycle now. I will admit that results so far are mixed because being on vacation for nearly a week made it way more difficult to follow through. So I did not achieve my initial 10-day goal, but I was...

Hello Reader! We'll be at Equal Minded Café at 4327 Troost Ave, KCMO from 5:30-7:30pm on Thursday, June 27. There is no charge to attend the networking event, just like before, but please plan to purchase a beverage to support our host business. (Pro tip--they have an amazing chai at Equal Minded!) A couple reminders: Our host doesn't offer food during the week, so we can bring dinner with us if needed. Free parking is available on both sides of the street in front of the business. Please...

Happy Monday Reader! I'm on vacation this week, spending time in a house right on Lake Michigan. My plan for the week was to focus on resting, and thinking about the long term shape of my coaching business. I threw an extra wrench in the works at the end of last week because I also decided to start a 100 day goal! I'm not sure yet if that was genius or foolish--usually I would put something like that off until after my vacation. But starting that process is what inspired today's affirmation:...

networking event details & host images

Hello Reader! We wanted to pop into your inbox to help you plan next week with a reminder that our monthly networking event is happening next week on Thursday, June 27! We'll be at Equal Minded Café at 4327 Troost Ave, KCMO from 5:30-7:30pm. There is no charge to attend the networking event, just like before, but please plan to purchase a beverage to support our host business. (Pro tip--they have an amazing chai at Equal Minded!) A couple logistical reminders: Our host doesn't offer food...

Happy Monday Reader! Last week I realized something that I'd rather hide from you. It's one of my biggest fears, and I can barely believe I am going to write it out in an email, sent via the internet, which has the potential to be around forever. But here goes. I realized I'm a hypocrite. Ugh, I hate typing that out! I try my hardest to stay vigilant against this tendency, because it's one of the things I judge the most in others. But suddenly I realized that in all the times I internally...

Happy Monday Reader! Again and again, women tell me they feel guilty for how they spent their time. Time-related guilt typically comes up when we are doing one thing but worry we should be doing something else, whether that was spending time with family, doing maintenance around the house, or especially when we take time for ourselves. If you identify with this struggle, this week's affirmation will help! "I can be trusted to make the right decision on how to spend my time." When our...

Happy Monday Reader! Today is Memorial Day here in the U.S., which is the official unofficial start to summer! Technically, the summer solstice on June 20 is the first day of summer (and also my birthday!), but pools open by Memorial day, kids are out of school, and camping season is in full swing. Have you made a plan for how having the kids home for the summer will affect your business? Whether you'll have more distractions around, take more time off, or just want to enjoy the upcoming...