Hello Reader, Our affirmation stays the same this week: Today I bid farewell to old habits and welcome positive change to my life. But today you can listen to and/or watch me say our affirmation 21 times! While I am not a huge video or podcast fan--I find it hard to focus on audio only, and I'm a super fast reader so I always prefer text--there are a lot of others out there who are. And since my goal this year is to experiment with different ways to practice our affirmation, an audio version...
9 days ago • 1 min read
Hello Reader, Ahhhhhh, there's nothing like the new year for...procrastination?? Procrastination is totally normal and human, and it happens to all of us. I just happen to have a lot more of it lately than I'm used to. I'm currently writing this at the last minute, on Sunday afternoon while in the midwest we are in the middle of Snow-Pocalypse 2024! We got a lovely layer of ice yesterday, and we're expected to get almost a foot of snow on top of that. Hooray. My husband's in-service day has...
16 days ago • 2 min read
Hello Reader, Today is the winter solstice in the norther hemisphere, and so after this, the days will start getting longer again! Hooray!! Of course, it will be hard to tell at first. But that's the eternal tale of all change and progress, isn't it? You have to just keep going for weeks or months until you can look back and see how much is different. In honor of the darkest day of the year I wanted to offer you a couple free opportunities for learning & growth with me! If you missed my first...
about 1 month ago • 1 min read
Hello Reader! When we allow ourselves to slow down, we create breathing room, time, and space to evaluate our lives and work. Along those lines, I've been thinking a lot about how I want my business to look in 2025. I'm considering a pivot in my services & offerings, and I've decided to change things up here as well! I'll still be in your inbox every Monday morning with a positive message to empower your week. But there will be new surprises and treats too! It's increasingly important to me...
about 1 month ago • 1 min read
Hello Reader, It's the countdown to the end of the year. In my social feeds I am bombarded with two conflicting messages: the entrepreneurship crowd is pushing for finishing 2024 strong and knocking our goals out of the park. While the more spiritual or self help accounts are usually pointing out that nature slows down in the winter, so we can too, and not feel guilty about hustling less. This year, I am definitely in that latter camp! I'm heavily affected by the shorter days & colder...
about 1 month ago • 1 min read
Hello Reader, Hooray, we survived Thanksgiving and we made it to December! But also? Yikes, because that means the end of 2024 is almost here, as well as the winter gift-giving holidays. Traditionally, much of the time and labor that goes into "The Holiday Season" is dumped on women, which makes it easy to get stressed and overwhelmed by a supposedly enjoyable holiday. And I don't know about you, but that makes my inner Grinch come out & want to cancel all holidays forever. Because what’s...
about 2 months ago • 1 min read
Hello Reader, Thanksgiving is coming up this week here in the ol’ U.S. of A., a holiday that is centered around tons of food, family, and gratitude. And it’s the first major holiday after our latest presidential election so it’s very possible things may get…awkward…over the dinner table. Because if your family is anything like mine, there’s always at least one person who wants to talk politics. And it’s not usually a feel-good time when that starts. I'm allowed to both love and disagree with...
about 2 months ago • 1 min read
Hello Reader, Hopefully you had a chance to process any big emotions you had after the election, and to make new plans if needed. (Although it was a full moon last week, so YMMV!) Election results can be a visible and visceral reminder of how little control we have, especially at a national or global level. We do our best by casting our own vote, by campaigning ahead of time, promoting or supporting the candidates and causes we believe in, and possibly attempting to change hearts and minds...
2 months ago • 1 min read
Happy Monday Reader! Well it only took about 48 hours to see the error of last week's affirmation. The presidential election news was depressing, demoralizing, scary, and infuriating. I was not really surprised, but I was disappointed. I’m feeling weird about these election results because I remember that my life didn’t really change the first time we elected The Orange Menace. And it probably won’t this time either. I have an immense amount of privilege as a college educated, middle class...
2 months ago • 2 min read